National Cohesion & National Values

The Directorate of National Cohesion and Values was established in 2008 through Presidential Circular No.1 of May, 2008 and operationalized in 2009 to spearhead the promotion of national cohesion and integration, and national values and principles of governance. The mandate of the Directorate is grounded in articles 4 and 10 of the Constitution on national values and principles of governance and article 131(2) (c), (d) and (e). The mandate of the Directorate augments the exercise of the presidential authority and functions on the promotion of national unity, ethnic diversity, national values and social justice. The Directorate coordinates implementation of Sessional Paper No. 8 of 2013 on National Values and Principles of Governance and Sessional Paper No. 9 of 2013 of National Cohesion and Integration.

Purpose of the National Cohesion and National Values Committee:
  • To train University focal point persons on National Values and Principles of Governance, strategies to promote cohesion as well as impact of values on the organization as well as the entire nation.
  • To enlighten on development of Performance Contracting guidelines on National Values and Principles of Governance.
  • To guide on requirements of the targets and commitments (outlined in the presidential report) under the national Cohesion and Values indicators in the annual PC cycle.
  • The committee exists to create sensitization on; Prioritization and promotion of Kenya’s National Interests, Introduction to Values and institutionalize Article No.10 of the Constitution, National Values and Principles of Governance.
  • The committee seeks to Introduce staff to National Cohesion and Integration; and cascade it to the core mandate of the university as per the Sessional Paper No.8 of 2013 on National Values and Principles, Sessional Paper No.9 of 2013 on National Cohesion and Integration.
  • To instill Strategies of promoting National Cohesion, National Values, Integrity and Principles of governance.
  • The achievements of the committee are annually reported as per the Performance Contracting targets on National Values and principles of governance, reporting tools and Guidelines for each financial year, as per the annual roadmap, so as to contribute to the Annual President’s Report on National Values and Principles of Governance.
Awareness Creation

The University’s focal point persons are trained and certified annually as having gained the knowledge, understanding and reporting components of National Values and Principles of Governance. The focal point persons are enlightened on development of performance contracting guidelines on National Values and Principles of Governance and equipped on requirements of the targets and commitments (outlined in the presidential report) under the national Cohesion and values indicators in the PC cycle of each financial year. The trainees are also brought into light on how best to implement and report commitments and way forward in the annual President’s report on National Values and Principles of Governance, on the various implemented components and activities so as to implement measures to comply with all the requirements under the National Cohesion and Values Indicators as outlines in PC guidelines.

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Other Important Information Related to National Cohesion

PU National Cohesion Values

PU National Values and Principles of Governance