
About Us

Training Trainers for Teacher Education and Management in Kenya (TOTEMK) is a four-year project (2020-2024), funded by Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Project brings together scholars from five universities; three in Kenya and two in Finland namely :- University of Helsinki, Laurea University, University of Nairobi, Pwani University and Strathmore University. The Project is led by Prof Seija Marita of University of Helsinki. The PI and Co-PI for Pwani University are Prof. Helen Mondoh and Dr Jacinta Kwena respectively. The two are supported by ICT, Administration and Finance.
The objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of teacher educators and institutional managers in Kenya, in terms of competence to deliver the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in the Kenyan schools
Due to the COVID-19 situation world-wide, the Project has from inception in September 2020 conducted its activities virtually. The first major activity is the Baseline Survey (carried out between September 2020 and March 2021). The second activity is the ToT Workshop 1 held between 26th -28th April 2021. The workshop focused on 21st century skills for teaching and learning.
The training workshop was coordinated by Strathmore University, with Pwani University and University of Helsinki providing the support team. The 63 participants of this workshop from 20 universities in Kenya continue to work under mentorship for 10 weeks on distance learning mode, after the initial training to implement the learned skills at their individual universities from the perspective of Kenya’s new competency-based curriculum (CBC).
Pwani University nominated five lecturers, Dr Fed Namasaka, Dr Mary Jebii, Dr Argwings Otieno, Dr Sarah Mwangi and Dr Joseph Malechwanzi to participate as trainees in the TOT1.. These constitute the first cohort of the Community of Experts (CoE) on 21st Century teaching and learning skills.
Plans for the second TOT workshop in November are underway. The Workshop will be coordinated by University of Nairobi. Pwani University and University of Helsinki who are tasked to prepare four training modules guided by the theme: Use of modern technologies to enhance learning.
The Project purposes to train an additional 60 lecturers during TOT 2. The cohort will acquire different skills from Cohort 1, but the skills will be complimentary to those acquired by the first cohort and jointly they will expand the CoE.
Click here to learn more on this project
Pwani University participates in a Virtual Training of Trainers for Teacher Education and Management in Kenya, on 26th-28th April 2021


Training Trainers for Teacher Education and Management in Kenya (TOTEMK) is a four-year project (2020-2024), funded by Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Project brings together scholars from five universities; three in Kenya and two in Finland namely :- University of Helsinki, Laurea University, University of Nairobi, Pwani University and Strathmore University. The Project is led by Prof Seija Marita of University of Helsinki. The PI and Co-PI for Pwani University are Prof. Helen Mondoh and Dr Jacinta Kwena respectively. The two are supported by ICT, Administration and Finance.


Courtesy Call by Prof. Seija Karppinen at Pwani University

On 3rd July, Prof Seija Karppinen paid a courtesy call to  Pwani University Vice Chancellor, Prof MS Rajab .  The Vice Chancellor appreciated efforts done to train trainers of training. This was a big step in preparing teachers to handle Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).  Due to the increasing number of teachers who need training, there was need to increase the length of the project. The Vice Chancellor also suggested the need to consider exchange programs for both staff and students involved in the project. On her part, Prof. Seija appreciated the university teams and their flexibility in supporting the project. She appreciated the successful collaboration between the Kenya and Finnish Universities. She promised to look into the possibility of lengthening the period of the project in the next round of funding in 2024.  Regarding the consideration of exchange programs, Prof Seija agreed it was a noble idea, however due to budgetary constraints, she suggested it could be considered in the next cycle of the project. Prof Seija also met with faculty members from the school of Education. The Dean, Prof Jacinta Kwena made a presentation on the strides the school has made in preparing the students to be effective teachers in handling CBC. The presentation also covered requirements of Special needs department to effectively support CBC.

Prof Seija Karppinen from University of Helsinki  (left) hands over a gift to the Vice Chancellor, Prof MS Rajab (Right)

Announcements and News

TOTEMK celebrates graduates from the first training

TOTEMK project had its first training focusing on the 21st century skills in April followed by a ten week distance learning period. A graduation ceremony was held in September for the participants who completed the course.

Ian Warua from Strathmore University opened the graduation ceremony, held in Zoom, thanking the graduates for participating in TOTEMK project's first training. The ceremony was also joined by the project's leader Seija Karppinen: "During the TOTEMK project we have four different training periods. Today we marked the completion of the first training. The aim of the TOTEMK project is to strengthen the capacity of teacher education and institutional management in Kenya".

Altogether 60 participants graduated from TOTEMK's first training. "We, as the graduands, are now fully equipped with the 21st Century Skills, gearing towards a deepened understanding in critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity", Dr.Beatrice Mburugu, one of the participants said in her speech.

TOTEMK warmly congratulates all the graduates!

TOTEMK Trains 60 Trainers of Trainers on Use Modern Technologies to Enhance Learning

The training was conducted as a hybrid of both virtual and physical. Out of the 60 participants, 25 participants attended face-to-face, while the rest joined the training virtually. Pwani University was represented by  six (6) participants—Three(3) members of the TOTEMK core team and three (3) teaching staff of the School of Education. The aim of the TOTwas to enhance the participants' knowledge & skills in using modern technology in teaching and learning. The objective of the training was to support the implementation of Competency Based Curriculum and to equip participants with modern technology in teaching and learning using digital tools. Ideally it was expected that at the end of the training, each participant would be able to:

  1. Comprehend the role of technology in HE teaching to ensure successful implementation of CBC

  2. Apply different methodologies for planning and carrying out teaching

  3. Design and deliver a course for online/blended/classroom learning situation applying digital tools in a pedagogically appropriate way